The Board of Health voted to lift its current mask mandate effective Wednesday, February 23, 2022. This decision was made after a steady decrease in cases, signifying the city is likely on the other side of the Omicron surge. Additionally, the city has a high vaccination rate with 90% of residents with at least one dose, 80.1% fully vaccinated, and 50.5% fully vaccinated & boosted.
The Board of Health will align its recommendations with the current MA Department of Public Health (DPH) advisory. The MA DPH updated its mask advisory on February 15, 2022, to no longer advise all individuals to mask indoors. The updated guidance recommends unvaccinated individuals mask while indoors, and individuals who are fully vaccinated wear a mask if they have a weakened immune system, are at an increased risk for severe illness, or if someone in their household has a weakened immune system or is unvaccinated.

[fusion_dropcap class="fusion-content-tb-dropcap"]A[/fusion_dropcap]s a reminder, businesses may choose to have their own mask policies.

To view the MA DPH’s current mask advisory, please visit:

If you have any questions, please reach out to Bri Eirchstaedt, REHS/RS, Health Director, City of Easthampton, 413-529-142

By Published On: February 23, 2022Categories: Chamber of Commerce Events

About the Author: Dee Ferrero

Ms. Ferrero is the CEO of Western Mass Women Magazine as well as the founder of several women's mentor and advocacy groups along the east coast.

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