Beauty Beat

Five of the Hottest Makeup Trends for Fall

As summer rolls to an end, makeup artists and stylists are rolling out autumn and winter beauty trends. By perusing a collection of Vogue articles, readers can deduce that this autumn’s makeup trends are quite [...]

By |September 22, 2015|

Choosing the Best Sunscreen

In preparation for a weekend at the beach, you decide to go to the store and pick up a new bottle of sunscreen. Once there, you’re faced with a towering, intimidating wall of options. With [...]

By |July 26, 2015|

Luxurious Scents for the Average Fashionista

Estevia Parfum Paris, a perfume brand out of Dubai, has a line of luxurious fragrances that satisfies an expensive palate without breaking the bank. Designed for both women and men, Estevia fabricates an aura of [...]

By |May 10, 2015|

D.I.Y. Braids for the Summer

At the cusp of summertime commences the struggle to find a hairstyle that could combat the humidity while remaining  flawless. But before you revert automatically to the generic ponytail, consider this timeless and effortless look: [...]

By |May 10, 2015|

Ombré Your Bridesmaids

Finding the right color palette for your bridal party can be difficult, especially for the spring season. There are numerous shades of yellow, pink, purple and teal; you could go bridezilla crazy just trying to choose. One bridesmaid looks [...]

By |March 12, 2015|

Winter Skin Beauty Tips

For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. For some people, the [...]

By |January 3, 2015|

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