Financial Women

Where Does Your State Rank?

Pat Grenier, RR, CFP®, MBA. Contributing Writer Grenier Financial Advisors Finally, tax season is over!! CPA’s and Tax Preparers tell me this has been one of the worst seasons due to tax rules changing retroactively [...]

By |June 2, 2021|

Finances During A Pandemic

It has now been a year since we first learned of a virus that appeared in China many thousands of miles from us. Who would have guessed that it would have such a drastic impact [...]

By |March 8, 2021|

GOFUNDHER.COM EXPANDS INTO 150 COUNTRIES, the new crowdfunding platform dedicated to women, celebrates its first anniversary with a significant expansion into more than 150 countries. This platform provides a safe place for women and their supporters to receive financial [...]

By |June 17, 2020|

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